If I were you... I'd use a copywriter too!
2 min read
Copywriting is a difficult skill, one that takes time and dedication to master.
And although everyone can write a web page, there’s a difference between DIY and professional content. And it’s usually very easy to spot. Which is why it’s always recommended hiring a copywriter when building a new website.
There’s another good analogy right there. Web design is not easy. It takes skill and knowledge to do it well. You could use one of the free design platforms and knock up a rudimentary site in a few hours but you know that with this not being your skill set, it probably won’t be that good. Therefore, you hire a web designer to make sure your site looks as good as it possibly could for your business. So why take a short-cut on the content?
Just as a poorly designed site will be glitchy and not very user friendly, poorly written copy is just as big a turn off. Spelling and punctuation errors, copy that doesn’t scan, excessively long content – these are all classic copy errors that professionals are trained to avoid. Good quality web copy should be short and to the point. It should be easy to read and digest, relevant and informative.
That’s why copywriters at the very top end of their market can bring in thousands of pounds per day – because the big companies know that what they say is just as important as how they say it. Words have incredible power and when used correctly they can have a big impact on the bounce rate of a web page. That’s not to say you need to be spending thousands, but paying a trained copywriter to write, edit or simply proof your words can make all the difference.
Well planned content increases reader engagement and keeps them on your site for longer. Copy should be drafted, checked and then redrafted until it is exactly as you want it to be. Even if you’ve written the first draft yourself, there are always ways to make it much better by pruning and editing. It’s also important to make sure you don’t have any words on the page that aren’t 100% necessary.
Do your own copywriting and you’ll find that your website finish won’t be as neat and tidy or the professional look that you’ve been searching for. Hire a professional and you can be sure that you’re creating the best possible impression for your brand.

This article is brought to you from the desk of Nick Templeton, consultant for it'seeze Web Design Ashford.
Nick has been working on the website industry for over 15 years. If you want to further your website’s effectiveness by using a quality copywriter, feel free to contact us for more information.
Tagged as: SEO
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